
Search Engine Statistics

Without getting into technical details or programming jargon, a search engine's functionality can best be compared to the index of a book. With this analogy, you need to consider the entire internet to be the book, and the search engine to be an electronic index that knows the contents of every page it can find. If you're planning to invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) then your goal is to get your website into that index, and make it as prominent as possible.

Search Engine Statistics - Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask Jeeves, etc.

ComScore (April 2008)

Core Search Entity Share of Searches (%) - April-08
Total Core Search 100.00%
Google Sites 61.60%
Yahoo! Sites 20.40%
Microsoft Sites 9.10%
Ask Network 4.30%

ComScore - April 2008

Through an extensive database system, comScore measures Internet media and website usage. Using a cross-section of more than 2 million consumers, comScore collects its data by capturing consumers' online and offline browsing behaviors and transactions. Participants also take part in research surveys that are designed to show their attitudes and intentions while browsing. By taking this approach, comScore can provide accurate behavioral research for marketers.

Hitwise (March 2008)

Rank Search Engine Volume
1. Google 67.30%
2. Yahoo 20.30%
3. Microsoft 6.70%
4. Ask 4.10%

Hitwise - March 2008

Hitwise gathers data by providing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) software that analyzes website usage logs on their networks. The data sent by the software show page requests, visits and average visit length to websites. To create a clear picture of website usage, Hitwise combines this data with demographic and lifestyle information. The sample size from which Hitwise draws its information is made up of 25 million people worldwide, 10 million of whom are in the United States.

Neilsen//Netratings (April 2008)

April: 62.0%
March: 58.7%
Change: +3.3

January 2008: 53.7%
Change: +5.1
April: 17.5%
March: 18.1%
Change: -0.6

January 2008: 19.0%
Change: -1.5
April: 9.7%
March: 12.0%
Change: -2.3

January 2008: 12.1%
Change: -2.4
April: 2.1%
March: 2.4%
Change: -0.3

January 2008: 2.4%
Change: -0.3
April: 4.3%
March: 4.1%
Change: +0.2

January 2008: 4.7%
Change: -0.4

Neilsen//Netratings - April 2008

To provide an accurate representation of Internet searches, Nielsen//NetRatings combines site-centric and user-based services to analyze website usage. Their services implement user lifestyle and demographic data with several other factors, including online advertising intelligence, custom data, and research and analysis. All of this information is combined to gather the most precise data possible. Nielsen//NetRatings' thorough methods have helped establish them as a global leader in the Internet media and market research field.

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